men at work


Version 2


Version 2





Version 2




Gabe built more raised beds for our garden this spring. Ironic, considering I’m supposed to be simplifying and scaling down this year in the garden because of the new baby. Still, I’m happy to have them and they look beautiful. We had dirt delivered (twenty cubic yards!) a few weeks ago and Sam and Eddie (but mostly Sam) fell in love with their “little” dirt pile. The kids spent so much time digging holes, shoveling dirt from one mound to another, and filling up and dumping wheelbarrows. Who knew that dirt could be so entertaining?

Alas, our raised beds had to be filled and the dirt pile is no more. Sniff.

Gabe finds it amusing when I take photos of him working outside. I mean…look at him. Wouldn’t you be taking photos of that? He’ll thank me when he’s old and decrepit. Correction: I’ll thank me when he’s old and decrepit. I love the face he’s making in the last photo. It’s half Burt Reynolds, half “Woman, what ARE you doing?

Our bees are thriving! The smaller, weak hive died (no surprise there) but our larger hive is so strong and lively. With the arrival of warmer weather and our apple trees in full blossom, you can’t help but hear the tiny constant hum of honey bees busy at work whenever you’re outside. Gabe thinks we’ll have honey by late summer…I can’t wait! We ordered some more bees and will start three more hives in the next few weeks, giving us a total of four hives. The bees from the strong hive seem very interested in the empty hive next to them. Perhaps they will start a new colony on their own? Wouldn’t that be wonderful!








My bedroom window faces East, and I am blessed to be able to witness gorgeous sunrises without even having to get out of bed. The other day I couldn’t resist capturing some of the golden light and I jumped out of bed, pulled on my boots and an old fleece and ran outside.

Sam must have heard me leave, because when I turned around to walk back into the house, I discovered that he had followed me outside. He wasn’t wearing  a coat, and his boots were on the wrong feet but he was just so excited to be running outdoors in the sunshine at seven in the morning…and I mean, look at that smile!

I don’t know what the deal is with the last pose. He’s flexing perhaps? Hard to say.

wednesday yarn along


Joining Ginny and Nicole.

While I certainly have much more to share than a half-finished sock surrounded by random toys, I have found that my energy level has dropped significantly over the past two weeks and this is about the best I can do in terms of posting. I have been working steadily on these socks for Gabe but I haven’t found much time to knit during the day and it’s all I can do to stay up in the evenings till 9:00pm before dragging my sorry pregnant body to bed.

I have lots to share with everyone. Spring is here and the homestead is slowly waking up: bees are buzzing, apple blossoms are blooming, and sunrises are occurring earlier and earlier. I’ll post more over the next week or two; I feel like I need to get everyone caught up in our lives before the baby arrives and all I do is feed, burp, sleep, repeat.

Happy Wednesday everyone!