just a frosted mushroom


I have mentioned here before the issues I’ve been having with my computer lately. It’s slow and programs crash frequently. It’s a seven year old laptop and I really don’t want to spend the money on a new one, as nice as that would be. To top it all off, a few weeks ago, I noticed that whenever I uploaded photos from my camera card onto the computer, there would be a few photos that the computer couldn’t “read.”

Last week was my first time hosting our preschool coop group, and I took a bunch of photos. Yesterday, we had temperatures in the low 30’s, and I woke up to a frosty wonderland. I rushed outside to photograph the first frost of the year. I planned on including those photos along with photos of my current knitting project. Out of 41 photos, my computer was able to upload one. One.

So here you have it folks: some frosty mushrooms.

Pretty, aren’t they?

I’ll be posting a photo of my mittens on Instagram tomorrow. Hopefully purchasing a new card resolves this issue. It’s hard to blog when your photos are constantly disappearing.

Technology sure is great…until it stops working.

Is anyone else enjoying the colder weather? What’s on your needles?