Jan 11, 2017 | Knitting, Photography, Yarn Along |

Joining Ginny and Nicole.
I have always admired Melody’s beautiful patterns but had not actually knit any of them myself. When she released Hollows a few months ago and I saw the photos of this shawl on Instagram I immediately purchased the pattern. It was love at first sight and now that I’ve finished it, I can’t stop wearing it. I even wore it over my gym clothes today. (Before becoming sweaty, not after.) I used a lovely wool and silk blend from Quince & Co. that resulted in the perfect drape, just as I had hoped. The yarn is called Tern and the color is Dusk.
We are completely moved in with my parents now. We have a few months before Gabe starts his new job and we will hopefully find a place to live before then. It’s odd, living in this state of limbo. Last night Gabe and I were discussing the sale of the farm and I said that leaving your home is so much more difficult when you don’t have a new place to call home and help you forget your sadness from loosing your previous home. Sleeping on the floor of my parent’s media room doesn’t provide much distraction from thinking about all we have given up. I’m hoping that this free time in the interim will allow me to complete some knitting projects, learn some new knitting skills and devote more time to my photography.
Happy Wednesday, friends.
Dec 20, 2016 | DIY, Family, Farm, Knitting, Yarn Along |

Joining Ginny and Nicole.
I have very little to write about regarding these past two weeks. These photos were taken two weeks ago after our first snowfall of the year. It was only a few inches, but it was more than enough for the occasional snowball fight and a few little snowmen. The next day, the plague hit our house. Everyone has been taken ill with some sort of chest cold, sinus cold, fever or cough. As soon as they recover, another cold hits two or three days later. My ears have been clogged for the last week, which I suppose one could argue is not necessarily a bad thing as it helps me drown out the crying, whining and sobbing of the three sick littles. As I sit here and write this, Caleb is asleep upstairs but I can hear him coughing, Sam is sniffing on the couch, and Eddie is laying her feverish head in my lap, only lifting it periodically to sip some orange juice and lick her tiny parched lips. We are a pathetic bunch.
I did finish my Hollows shawl. It’s too big to block here so I brought it over to my parents house to block it in my mother’s knitting studio. I hope to have one of those one day. As you can see from my kitchen table, my creative endeavors have added to the mess and chaos in our house.
I did receive a delightful package from Quince and Co! Phoebe in the colorway Mars for a pair of welted fingerless gloves for a girlfriend and Owl Tweet in the colorways Jay and Russet for a Roar hat for Sam. I’m almost done with the ribbing for Sam’s hat. I don’t know if I will have it done in time for the first night of Chanukah but I should have it done before the last.
I hope everyone is having a good pre-Christmas/Chanukah week.
Merry Christmas. Happy Chanukah. May your holiday be blessed with good health, family, friends, and lots of holiday cookies.
And maybe some new yarn.
Dec 8, 2016 | DIY, Family, Knitting |
Thank you so much for your kind words regarding last week’s post. It was truly a horrible day and waking up the next morning and reading all your encouragements and funny antidotes of similar experiences really cheered me up. The week improved a bit, but not by much. I had a fever and developed a horrible chest cold within the next 24 hours. Sam’s tantrums were just terrible that week, which resulted in many FaceTime lectures from Daddy and me making a late night, very expensive purchase of parenting books from Amazon because obviously I have clue what I am doing.
Sam was my biggest challenge last week. His temper was volatile and I just couldn’t control him. It seemed like he spent half the day in time out, screaming and kicking walls. He’s never been one for huge displays, but since he turned four this summer, I feel like his emotions and lack of self control are just too much. I’m sure Gabe being out of town contributed, as he never throws these fits when Gabe is around. He argues with me constantly and purposely waits until I enter a room before doing something he knows he is not supposed to do, then waits for my reaction. When he is punished (which he knows will happen) he acts as though it is the greatest injustice that has over occurred in his life and screams that he had no idea he was doing something wrong, which I know isn’t true. I get the impression that he is really testing me and only me. I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s just a phase? I’ve been trying to give him more positive attention and praise when appropriate but it’s hard with two other littles running/crawling around. Any advice, friends?
On to bigger and better things. I’m almost done with my Hollows shawl (my illness delayed me finishing it last week) and I need to start on my Christmas/Chanukah gifts ASAP.

Smooth Operator Socks by Susan B. Anderson
Gabe, Sam and Eddie have all requested knitted socks, which should be easy enough. (Except for Gabe. He has the biggest feet and knitting socks for him takes forever.) I’m thinking of trying the afterthought heel, like this pattern by Susan B. Anderson calls for.

Beau Slouchy Hat by The Velvet Acorn

Color Dipped Hat by Purl Soho

Classic Cuffed Hat by Purl Soho
A slouchy hat for a teenage girl is on my list of gifts this year, and I am undecided as to which pattern to use, Teenagers are so picky, aren’t they? She said she wanted slouchy, so I immediately thought of the Beau Slouchy hat by The Velvet Acorn, but perhaps it’s a bit too slouchy? I’m just not sure. I also like the Classic Cuffed Hat and the Color Dipped Hat both by Purl Soho.

Welted Fingerless Gloves by Churchmouse Yarn and Teas
Last year I knit the Welted Cowl for a friend and this year I plan on knitting the matching fingerless mitts.

East Lake Lamb Hat by sam lamb
Sam really liked the East Lake Lamb Hat, and so I plan on using the leftover yarn that I have from knitting the adult version and making one for him.
It’s a lofty goal and I don’t know if I will have time to finish even half these gifts in time but nevertheless they are on my list and I am going to try. There’s something so satisfying about making someone a gift, isn’t there?
What about everyone else? Any knitted gifts on the agenda this year?