These Days…

These Days…

Wow, I haven’t found time to write since March? What have I been doing? Oh, that’s right, I had a baby and moved into a completely remodeled farmhouse one week prior to the birth. Once I emerged from the haze the arrival of a newborn creates, I was too busy trying to establish a routine that allowed some semblance of productivity and normalcy. I finally feel like I’ve got a decent grasp of things.

Summers on a farm are busy. You’re so busy preparing for the winter months (replacing insulation, chopping wood, canning, freezing and dehydrating food, etc.), it seems the season is over before it barely begins.

I love Fall. It allows for lazy mornings and indoor activities that you would otherwise feel guilty doing on a beautiful day. Activities like blogging, knitting, surfing Pinterest for 2 hours…you get the idea.

I’ve been trying to introduce a light preschool curriculum into Sam’s mornings. Let’s just say its been more well received than potty training. I printed out some free flashcards (aren’t they adorable) and laminated them myself. Sam seems to really enjoy them.

I chose photos that I felt represented our day to day lives these past few weeks. As you can see, we installed a brand new fireplace and that has become the main source of our heat. Gabe purchased a tiny metal grasshopper to be placed near the stove for good luck. He needs a name. “The grasshopper” won’t do. Notice we have yet to completely unpack. Those boxes are full of books and games. We have scheduled a master carpenter to come and install custom bookshelves against that wall. This will give us a place to put the books, games, photos and other chatychkes that have yet to find a place in our new home.

The outside of the house has an exponentially better facade than it had before the remodel. I love our red door. It makes me so happy every time I see it. Our landscaping is lacking but that will be a project for next summer. Once step at a time. That seems to be our motto. Sometimes one half step at a time. Better than nothing I suppose.

Weekend Haze

Weekend Haze

This weekend was an absolute whirlwind. I don’t think I sat down once. Not even to sleep.

It was worth it though. I picked up a few packet of seeds for my first garden on the farm. I can hardly wait to plant. Usually, planting season starts around mid-March for me, but our water is constantly being shut off during the remodel, so I probably won’t be able to plant until April. I’m especially looking forward to planting sunflowers. I picked a deep red sunflower, which I think will look gorgeous as a backdrop to our new yellow farmhouse.

 I don’t know if it’s the weather, the pregnancy hormones or the fact that my thirty-first birthday (gulp) is coming up, but my skin has been looking so dry, scaly, and dare I say it, wrinkly this past month or so.  I made a body butter for the first time out of cocoa butter, almond oil and coconut oil. It feels soooo good against my skin. Jillee used shea butter in her recipe, but I didn’t have any on hand. I don’t think it really makes a difference though.

I’ve been trying to be good and keep my Ravelry project posts updated and include more pictures. I actually made these socks for Sam a few months ago but didn’t take any photos of them until this weekend. If I’m going to be honest, it was mostly because it’s so difficult to have him model anything I knit him that I kept putting it off. This was the best angle I could get, and my mother is holding him down and tickling him. Whatever works, right? I call them his Hunter socks. He looks like a little woodsman in them. It’s adorable. I want to eat his chunky toes and bite his chunky ankles. The end.

Farm Clothes

Farm Clothes

Look at that face.

It was a beautifully sunny (albeit cold) day today, and Sam was able to test out his new Carhart overalls. My mother brought them back with her from Spokane, WA. I suppose if we’re going to raise the boy on a farm, he might as well look the part. I think he likes them.

It’s supposed to snow tomorrow. I hope it doesn’t. The sun felt too good. We are ready for Spring.