









Joining Ginny and Nicole.

The last time I posted about homeschooling a few of you commented on the way Sam was holding his pen. He was fisting his pen and I couldn’t figure out a way to teach him to hold it correctly. Thanks to your suggestions, I was able to find a resource online that helped me show him the correct way to hold a pen and it has made a world of a difference. We don’t really focus on writing letters and numbers as he’s only four, but I do want him to have proper techniques established before we decide to move into the writing stage. Thank you! (I tried to take a photograph of him properly holding his crayon but he wouldn’t let me. Perhaps next time.)

I don’t know why I wait till fall is in full effect before panicking and realizing that I don’t have nearly enough knitted items to clothe my family. It happens every year. I know it’s coming. Why I wait till late September, early October, I have no idea. Eddie was in desperate need of a poncho so I am knitting her this pullover in Madeline Tosh Chunky in Antique Lace. It smells divine (like all good yarn does) and is as soft as can be. I want to live in it. (Fun fact: The designer lives in the same town as me and I love every single one of her designs. Every. Single. One.) I’ve finished the sleeves and now all I have to do is knit until I’m happy with the length and bind off. The pattern calls for a front pocket which I love, but Eddie doesn’t want one. I may do it anyway. I’m plugging away on a pair of socks for Gabe but Caleb doesn’t allow for much knitting these days. He is teething and wants to be held all the time. I should be more annoyed by this but he lets me gnaw on his fat cheeks all day and he sleeps through the night so I think I’ll overlook his fussiness for now.

I put my garden to bed and I am enjoying the break from the work. Not that I did much this year but still. It’s nice to not have to worry about it. The leaves on my snowball bushes are bright red and my hydrangea flowers are all turning colors before they slowly die and the plants go dormant till next spring. I love fall. Happy knitting, friends.