

Joining Ginny and Nicole.

I started the Rosewater shawl a few days ago and I’m really enjoying it so far. With the baby due any day now, I think a garter stitch with simple increases on every row is exactly the mind numbing yet comforting project that I need right now. The lace portion will require a little more concentration but perhaps I can do a row here and there while the baby is sleeping and hopefully it won’t take too long to complete. Yarn information here.

And…honey! Last Friday we collected our first first honey harvest. Gabe is so proud of himself and it is well deserved. A year ago he walked into a bee keeping class hosted by the local beekeepers association knowing nothing and now look at him: harvesting honey like there’s no tomorrow. We used the Flow Hive, a rather new and revolutionary technology to honey harvesting. Gabe said the collection process went very smoothly and he was pleased to discover that within the next few weeks we will be able to collect even more honey…perhaps double the amount we collected last week. Knowing what blossoms were prevalent on our property the past month or so and then comparing the color of the honey to an online chart leads us to believe this particular batch was created mostly from apple blossom pollen. Isn’t that lovely? Wander Farm Apple Blossom Honey. I like the sound of that.

Is anyone else feeling giddy from their first spring harvest/projects, whether it be knitting a lightweight shawl, collecting the first seasonal greens from the garden or perhaps harvesting an early batch of honey?

Happy Wednesday, my friends.