
Joining Ginny and Nicole.

While I certainly have much more to share than a half-finished sock surrounded by random toys, I have found that my energy level has dropped significantly over the past two weeks and this is about the best I can do in terms of posting. I have been working steadily on these socks for Gabe but I haven’t found much time to knit during the day and it’s all I can do to stay up in the evenings till 9:00pm before dragging my sorry pregnant body to bed.

I have lots to share with everyone. Spring is here and the homestead is slowly waking up: bees are buzzing, apple blossoms are blooming, and sunrises are occurring earlier and earlier. I’ll post more over the next week or two; I feel like I need to get everyone caught up in our lives before the baby arrives and all I do is feed, burp, sleep, repeat.

Happy Wednesday everyone!