*Joining Ginny
I haven’t blogged in a week, not for lack of things to say, but mostly because I have lacked the time. Sam is going to start preschool soon and I have been chatting with other moms in the area who are also interested in homeschooling and possibly starting a co-op. We will have our first meeting next week to see if there are enough people interested and if we have enough resources (time,volunteers,space, etc.). I’m very nervous and excited.
I did my last round of canning for the year. Dilly beans. I’ve never made them or tried them for that matter but the recipe looked good and I had three pounds of green beans sitting in my fridge so that was a good enough reason for me. The rest of the beans will go in the freezer. I have to say, I’m relieved. I’m so tired of canning. It sounds ungrateful to say that. People are starving in other parts of the world and here I am lamenting that I have so much food that I don’t know what to do with it. I believe this is what my 25 year old sister would call a “first world problem.” Whatever kind if problem it may be, I’m done with it, and I’m glad. Less canning, more knitting!
I am still working on my Inland sweater but as the weather has cooled over the past week or so, Eddie has finally been able to wear her Into The Woods poncho that I knit for her last spring. It’s perfect for an active toddler. The yarn is Madeline Tosh Sport and the pattern is here.
What a beautiful poncho! (and baby girl) As for home schooling….go for it! You won’t regret it. I am almost done with only a year left to go with my 4 and I will miss it. It’s been an amazing experience. Having a great co-op is the key. Good luck! Love your chicken coop btw! Have a great day.
Thanks Jeanette, isn’t it a beautiful pattern? And I probably should have mentioned, this is my parents’ chicken coop. We haven’t started ours yet but having Eddie watch the chickens was the only way I could keep her still enough to take photos!
Visiting today from Ginny’s blog. 🙂 I am so happy to have found your blog! Your daughter’s poncho is so cute. It looks like something my daughter would love to wear. Best of luck with your co-op meeting! We have been homeschooling for several years, but have never been a part of a co-op. It sounds like a great opportunity! 🙂
Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoy the poncho and the blog. I’ll keep everyone posted about the co-op. Hopefully everything pans out.
Such a great knit, the poncho is stunning and the model is beautiful.
Thank you!
The little poncho and your pictures are simply beautiful! I can’t wait for autumn to reach us here 🙂
As for the home-schooling – what an exiting and important undertaking! I wish you all the best and look forward to hearing more about it!
Thank you; I happen to think they are both pretty cute as well 🙂
You take great pictures, these are so precious. That poncho is drool-worthy on your little darling.
I am starting homeschooling this year with my kindergartner (although I guess technically we’ve been home-educating her and her sisters since birth, right?) and I’m excited to “begin” next week with our very simple low-key plan. I was homeschooled myself and some of my favorite memories were the little three-family co-op my mom and her two friends created for us rather than one of the huge ones we also tried out. I am hoping the Lord brings something like that along for me at some point but for now I have joined a larger homeschool group to see what opportunities come our way since I don’t have any local homeschooling friends yet.
Thank you for the compliments, Sarah. I too am hoping this is a relatively small co-op but as of right now, I have no idea just how many families are interested. Perhaps if it’s large, we will divide into subgroups…? It’s nice to hear a “grown up” homeschooler speak fondly of their education. Good luck with your group; I hope it leads to lasting friendships!
The poncho is delightful and what a wonderful model?
Thank you, Lucy! It was a fun knit.
I love that little poncho! Wish I had the space to store canned and pickled goods if I even knew where to start. I had to laugh at the *first world problems*, I call them that too and I have plenty.
Thank you for the compliments, Caroline.