












*Joining Ginny

I haven’t blogged in a week, not for lack of things to say, but mostly because I have lacked the time. Sam is going to start preschool soon and I have been chatting with other moms in the area who are also interested in homeschooling and possibly starting a co-op. We will have our first meeting next week to see if there are enough people interested and if we have enough resources (time,volunteers,space, etc.). I’m very nervous and excited.

I did my last round of canning for the year. Dilly beans. I’ve never made them or tried them for that matter but the recipe looked good and I had three pounds of green beans sitting in my fridge so that was a good enough reason for me. The rest of the beans will go in the freezer. I have to say, I’m relieved. I’m so tired of canning. It sounds ungrateful to say that. People are starving in other parts of the world and here I am lamenting that I have so much food that I don’t know what to do with it. I believe this is what my 25 year old sister would call a “first world problem.” Whatever kind if problem it may be, I’m done with it, and I’m glad. Less canning, more knitting!

I am still working on my Inland sweater but as the weather has cooled over the past week or so, Eddie has finally been able to wear her Into The Woods poncho that I knit for her last spring. It’s perfect for an active toddler. The yarn is Madeline Tosh Sport and the pattern is here.