This summer has been overwhelming to say the least. With The Man deployed, it’s just been me running things around here. This was my first time as a “single mom,” and it has been more difficult than I ever imagined. I’m so ready for Gabe to come home. How do wives do this time after time, with multiple children, for nine or even 15-month deployments. It’s been four very long months. I’m going to weep with relief the second I lay eyes on Gabe.
I can’t WAIT to sleep in past 8:00 am.
Besides handling my daily Mom duties, I’ve also been dealing with the many disasters that have occurred during this deployment. Our sprinkler system flooded our lawn and crawl space; the same day that an AC unit flooded our rental condo. These two floodings (seriously, two floodings in one day. What are the odds?) happened two days after our caretaker left the farm unexpectedly. Four weeks later, Sam fell off the couch and broke his arm. Two weeks after that, our apple orchard matured four weeks ahead of schedule, leaving me, myself and I to gather well over a thousand pounds of apples.
Anyway, this disaster of the summer is the reason why I haven’t posted since Gabe left. I started taking photos again a few weeks ago because I wanted to make sure I captured at least some of the summer on camera before I forgot all about the good and only remembered the bad. There’s nothing like Summer in Western Washington. The farm looked beautiful after our neighbor hayed the field. (A very interesting process, haying. Much more complicated than you would think). We spent lots of weekends at my parents’ farm. Sam enjoyed the chickens. And who wouldn’t? They’re gorgeous.